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Unlike Windows or Linux, Apple does not provide access to Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) functionality which is the basis for any realtime display casting. Thus, Screen instead uses streaming capability of smart TVs. While Wi-Fi Direct has clearly defined maximal transfer latencies and is available over local networks only, the streaming is meant to be generally over the Internet. Since you can't have high expectations with regard to transfer delays over the Internet, TVs have built in certain minimal buffer (compensating for transfer delays) that can't be shortened. Screen allows you however to shorten the default value to certain constant during session initiation.

We defined two types of profiles: "for presentations" & "for movies". You can see more details in Profiles section and also in UHD section.

Generally, the presentation profiles have shorter default lag than movie ones.

How to reduce the lag
Each profile has preset some "safe" default value. You can reduce it with intention to find out a minimal value for your TV model. It is practical to do it in an iterrative process.

Session initiation works like this:

Let's presume that minimal TV lag is 2.6sec and the current lag is set to 6 sec. Iterative process can look like this:

Note that you still need to leave certain value for keyframes, practically - once you find the minimal value, add at least 0.5~0.75 sec.

It is recommended to do these changes only for presentation profiles.